Unfortunately it is often the case that our clients call us when something is going wrong on a project. We'd rather they'd called us earlier.

Unfortunately it is sometimes the case that our clients call us when something is going wrong on a project, perhaps even after they have spent most of their originally planned budget. We’d rather they’d called us earlier.
As a result, we are regularly invited to review ongoing projects and to make suggestions as to how they might be improved.
So if you are about to start a project, please call us now rather than later. If you’re in the middle of a project and are worried by its progress, we would be delighted to look at what’s happening, either to reassure you or recommend improvements.
What we do in a project review and how long it takes?
For most projects, we can conduct a short review in about a week, assuming that all the people that we need to speak to are available to speak to us.
The process usually involves about two days of face-to-face interviews with sponsors, key business stakeholders, project managers, technology staff and suppliers, followed by a sample reviews of project documentation.
The nature of a short project review is that it can usually only find obvious issues and for a more detailed review, to realign plans, budgets and business cases would normally take about a month and can be quite disruptive to a running project so we would not normally recommend this without running a short review in advance to ensure that it is necessary.